Springtime's melting snow and ample rain results in dirt, water and mud inevitably making its way into your home. Here is where a mud room comes to save the day. Mudrooms are meant as a barrier between outdoors and indoors. An area where dirt and outdoor gear is contained, keeping the rest of your home clean.
The single most important element a mudroom should have is ample storage space that is smartly designed. Without proper storage in a mudroom, muddy shoes will still get thrown on top of each other, sports equipment will still cause clutter and jackets will still be crammed in. Make sure your mud room has storage designed to meet your needs.
Have a small mudroom or no mudroom at all? Don't despair! A custom designed organization piece can be designed to fit within your entry closet or as a free standing unit. A wide selection of finishes, colors and textures are available to allow an organization piece to blend in with the existing space.
This spring, see if your mud room is making you happy and keeping your home clean. If not, contact Closets For Life for a free in-home consultation. We will come to your home to discuss your mud room space and your needs and goals. After our meeting, we will design a custom storage solution tailored specifically to meet your needs and budget. Closets For Life can be reached by phone at 952-484-0416 or by email at rlyrek@closetsforlife.com.
Based in Minneapolis, Minnesota, Closets For Life is a custom organization company that works with residential clients as well as designers, builders, remodelers and architects to create innovative solutions for all organizational needs including mud rooms, closets, kitchens, garages, home offices, Murphy beds, wine cellars and more.
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